Free Printable checklist for the KonMari Method.
This post is meant to be a quick reference guide for you to start your decluttering journey with this easy printable KonMari guide. The first page is the list of items you should go through in the way it has been listed to start decluttering. The second page mentions the steps one should go through to declutter any group you want from the list mentioned in the first page. Step #1: Discarding by category comes first. Step #2: Break a category into subcategories as necessary. For instance, put all your clothing in piles on the floor in subcategories: Tops (shirts, sweaters, etc.) Bottoms (pants, skirts, etc.) Clothes that should be hung (jackets, coats, suits, etc.) Socks Bags and Accessories Step #3: Keep only those things that spark joy. Step #4: After you’ve finished discarding, organize your space thoroughly and completely. Step #5: Do it all in one go.