7 Ways to Get out of Bad Mood | How to snap out of Bad Mood?
We have all been there. Someone says something or does something to ruin our mood completely. We snap out of bad mood when things are in our control but it takes time to forgive the hurtful event. You cannot be in a foul mood for a whole day, though! Here are my 7 quick tips to best the blues and lift yourself again. Get into action with these awesome helpful tips. 1. Be Grateful When you realize you’re in a negative head space or a bad mood, stop what you’re doing and think of 3 things you’re grateful for in your life. 3 positive things that you are happy about and grateful for. You could try just smiling for a minute. Think of all the people who would be happy to have your problems if it provides with a roof over their head. Get some perspective and things wouldn't be so bad after all. 2. Music Listening to your favorite music while working or simply reflecting puts you in a good mood. If you can, do some exercise while listening to your favorite artist. Those post-workout endorphins work like magic! According to a report on the influence of exercise on mental health from Arizona State University, aerobic exercise is the best choice for anxiety reduction. 3. Meditation I usually meditate for a couple of minutes, focus on my breathing, then have a good stretch, rub my eyes when I am in a bad mood. You don't have to cross your legs and sit in a yogi style to meditate. Simply slow down and focus on one single action like reading a book or painting on a phone app. Switch off your brain from the problem and the distraction really works. 4. Cooking or Baking Baking always works for me. If I don't have time to bake or cook something. Watching cooking videos or the ones with cooks traveling at different places around the world on YouTube puts me in a better mood. 5. Use an app or listen to podcasts There are lots of apps that if used well can encourage meditation, mindfulness and change of thought. Two popular options are Headspace and Buddhify . I also like to listen to podcasts. Some of my favorites are On Purpose by Jay Shetty, Today Explained by Vox and Super Soul by Oprah. 6. Clean your Space You know that saying, "A cluttered space leads to cluttered thoughts". Cleaning my house/workspace (since I started working from home ever since the pandemic hit us) has always been a good outlet for me. It just feels good to fix something and have it in control. It's just something that you can do at any time to take your mind off issues that you don't feel like dealing with. When I'm cleaning while in a bad mood, I'm moving as fast as humanly possible so I don't have the time to think about anything else. I just set my mind on doing the task and don't stop till it's done. Probably the same mentality a marathon runner might have during a race. 7. Shower Last but not the very least, wet yourself. Soaking your head under water, taking a swim or having a shower will activate your mammalian [diving] reflex, which improves your respiration by spreading oxygen levels to your heart and brain. Showers are very soothing to me. I don't know why- if you have the answer let me know in the comments below. Do let me know which one of these activities are your favorite way to get out of bad mood? I will wait for your comments.